Number 2 is obviously from lack of sleep. I have dark rings before but seriously I do not know how it formed? Eye bags is dull to the dryness of the eyes plus the blinking of the eyes is lessen.(I only know I get eye bags plus puffy eyes if I am crying for many nights)
Number 3 is exhaustion from the body. I had tried not sleeping for a week and the result is = The mind is half-shuts down and absorbs information two times slower. really don't know what else to do. I cannot think of any other ways to earn more money other than that.
After work, we then quickly rush to the office to take our bags and leave. When we were outside of the shop, a lot of them are exchanging hp numbers but I get their emails instead. Those who know me, including my friends and church mates, you should know that I hardly call people to talk or even SMS if I have nothing in particular or no "valid" reason to call you. I don't usually call people and I just don't used to call. I am not the type of person who mingles with people easily(sometimes in MSN I hardly chat also). I think I am worst than Bro.Khai's compared to what he used to be(he also claims that he used to be anti-social)
Then QiuZhen, MeiYun, Roslinda and me quickly went to the Arcade to take pictures. Of course, I don't look good in the pictures as usual. They then went to edit things and I guide them along but didn't contribute to the drawings and editing cos I played with Esther before. Esther also ask why I didn't take any pictures with BaoBei on our Anniversary? Haiz..maybe he feels contented with just one picture bah. Anyway, I think for pictures the lesser the better. Cos I used to cut a Card Picture of me and my ex-bf over a reason that I had forgotten but I hated him then to the extreme that I cut the picture into tiny pieces. He's considered my first love though. His other picture my Mum used to store it somewhere but now it's lost. I have his picture only in my memories(too bad human body don't have printer..ok ok I am being lame).
Meet Esther, Jia Xin, My Da LaoPo(Elder wife) at the last minute. So actually I had also join them at the last minute of their outing with Jia Xin. We went to Ceneleisure to eat the Dim Sum cos it was suggest by me(actually I also don't know what to eat). I wanted to eat Pasta Mania at first but I know it will be expensive. While choosing from the menu, Esther and Da LaoPo comment that don't eat this and that cos it's not nice. I then comment to them if they ever went to JB, don't eat the Wang Jiao restaurant there cos, the service standard there is very poor and the food is extremely lousy. Jia Xin said if I ever go to Malaysia again, I should go to Ipoh to eat as she said the food there is nicer and cheaper. They eat Pasta, Soup Noodles etc while I only eat the Dim Sum as I don't really have the appetite. When I ask about Jia Xin and her boyfriend, she sounds very harsh and angry so I didn't ask about it further. Anyway, I don't really agree on her theory and her way of seeing things. But well, different people have different views. Perhaps I am a bit more open-minded in my group of friends on certain aspects of things.
We then see Jia Xin off as she is waiting for her boyfriend to fetch her. After that Esther seems unhappy but when Jia Xin ask her, she don't wish to say it out. After Jia Xin went off, Esther explains that she find Jia Xin is very indecisive about her decision on her own relationship. I wonder, if Jia Xin minds about her boyfriend's character, why is she still with him? Is it because she relys on him for certain things? On one moment, she says that she don't like her boyfriend's character and don't like it when her boyfriend do certain things and have seriously consider breaking up, but her actions speaks otherwise of what she told us. But anyway, it's her relationship and her decision about her actions. I just hope that she won't say or do things she might regret later on in life.
Esther, Da Lao Po then decide to catch a movie at the last minute. Went to watch "Mr.Bean's Holiday" and it was very funny movie! A lot of disaster for Mr.Bean during his trip to Paris, which is a very beautiful place from the movie! He was quite unlucky. First he lost his bag because of a boy that he cause the boy to lost his father. After that he lost his passport, wallet and train ticket on a phone booth when he gets on the train in a rush. He also lost his bus ticket when the ticket was blown away by the wind. He then find ways to earn money there by dancing and acting out in a funny way. He then lost the boy while trying to get his ticket back and the police are looking for him, suspecting him for kidnapping the boy. But the ending is good. Cos he manage to met a girl he like there and manage to help the boy to locate his father. He also edited the movie director's flim to make the director popular with the crowds. At last he found his way to his intended location - The beach.
After that we then take a cab home but I am choosing cabs cos I wanted to take the new Hydai cab. I know I am being weird. Cos I want to try on the new cab to smell the air-con.(Different aircon gives me different feeling).
I will end here for now. Will blog again some other time.