On Saturday afternoon, I went over to BaoBei's place. He was suppose to meet me at 12pm but I was late. Board a bus to his place. Okay lah..I know it is my fault..cos...by right, if I am late, I am not suppose to board a bus but I just feel like taking a bus there that time. On the way, while it pass by somewhere, I saw a very beautiful blue colour wedding gown!!! Ahhhhh!!!! I want I want!!! The design was very beautiful. Although it was just a quick glance, but still I like that wedding gown very much. The shop name was "France" something..I forgot. But looking at the gown itself, I have a feeling that it may not be cheap. It was a sleeveless blue wedding gown..just that the bottom of the gown is very big.
When I reach BaoBei's place, I called him on his hand phone. He was surprise and said,"Huh!? So fast?! Wait lah!" I then heard him mummer,"Auntie..faster leh" I ask,"What?!" He then replied,"Nothing nothing..just don't go up first. Wait for me outside the gate" I wanted to wait for him outside his condominium but it started to rain. So I went inside..I saw a new guard inside the guard house but he never even bothered to ask who I am while the previous guards will ask. Of course after some time, two of the guards recognise who I am and will let me access without checking on me. Except one of them will still ask me for the unit number(I think he always forgot) while the other will always strike a conversation with me..I like that guard as he is very friendly person.
I then listen to the mp3 on my hand phone and after some time, I saw BaoBei peeking on me from the wall behind. I walk towards him and ask,"Wei...what are you doing there?" He smile and ask me to take the lift first. Inside the lift, he seems to be hiding something behind his back. I peek here and there but couldn't see what is it. At his place, he then hand me a boutique of pink roses! My favourite! It was wrap in a purple colour paper and it has 6 pink roses in total. The sides of it has 3 white roses but these were given free cos the florist promise BaoBei it will be ready in 15 minutes but BaoBei waited 20 minutes for it instead. She gave him the extra roses as a form of apology for making BaoBei wait for so long. But overall, it was very well done!

Reach church quite late and so we get the usher to get us a seat. A sister then lead us to the floor of the choir. I tried to locate the CGMs but they are nowhere to be found. Pastor Kong was preaching that day but...seriously, most of the time I don't have a clue what is he trying to say or talk about although I know it is something to do with the Cultural Mandate. My mind was full of questions marks to most of his words. At the end of it, I look at my notebook and saw myself scribbling all over and don't even know what am I writing about?
Went to meet up with the CGMs and listen to Bro's word maybe for the one last time. So sad...After that, Bro then comment that I look pregnant in that dress! I was like,"Ahhhhh!!!" He then add,"But! I am only prophesy that it will happen maybe...5 years later in the future!" I then gave BaoBei a fierce look and BaoBei was a little scared by me. Cos that shirt was chosen by him. HuiYi said,"Oei! Ah Sao!" I was thinking,"KNS!!!" and in my mind, I went,"Ka-boom!" Esther and YangLin also comment about my shirt. MingWei was more bad! He said,"Oei..Juliet..come come come..I see" I tried to avoid his look. When he sees the front, he said to BaoBei,"Haiz..Yen Hao..you ah..haiz..why like that? What you do to Juliet?" BaoBei then give Mingwei a "punch".
After that we walk towards to MRT station with HuiYi. On the way there, I saw my ex-CG w117 and greet them. Nicholas become more and more stylish each time I see him. MingYing has become more pretty too. I almost cannot recognise YueMing cos she has changed her style too. I then saw Anita and comment,"Wah! You also become more pretty and cute!" She gave me a -_-" look. YueMing laugh and said,"Erm..you better not say that to her" The rest laugh at her,"Anita? Cute? Pretty? Hahaha!" Then Anita's look was like,"Si Juliet! Ni Gei wo ji zhu!" that kind. I then asked,"Did I say something wrong?" HuiYi then said,"Oei! Late le! Let's go!" and I bid all of them goodbye and went to Marina Square to meet Samuel. Have MacDonald's for dinner and then we went separate ways.
On the way to BaoBei's place, I joke with BaoBei by touching my stomach area,"Baby!" I smiled at BaoBei. He then glared at me and said,"If you really get pregnant one day, you better don't take the sleeping pills. Not good for the baby. Anyway, I also don't want you to eat so much pills" I then frown and ask,"Sleeping pills also cannot take?" He said,"Cannot!"
Went to sleep early but I take the 4mg pills to sleep. BaoBei confiscate my sleeping pills and refuse to give it to me. HuiYi then called me suddenly to ask for the pills. She claims that her friend wants it and ask me for two. I was like,"KNS!!! One pill is already 25mg! Two pills is equals to 50mg!!! You siao!!! Or your friend wanna die!?" But I told her to tell her friend that she can bought it at a particular shop for a very cheap price. Anyway since BaoBei confiscate my pills, I don't think I could give it to her that easily.
I think I will end here for now. Will blog again some other time.
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